
Amy Mintz

Amy Mintz has 1 articles published.

Amy Mintz is a PhD Candidate in Critical Infrastructure at Capitol Technology University. Her doctoral research is focused on ways to mitigate smart city cyber challenges and contribute to the cyber forensics domain by applying tools such as visual link analysis and other techniques to emerging smart city challenges to better secure critical infrastructure. More information about her dissertation research on critical infrastructure, with an emphasis on counterterrorism, is available at, with featured SMEs for her research including leading experts from the private sector, Department of Homeland Security, and local government. Her academic background includes an M.S. in Digital Forensics and Graduate Studies in Cybersecurity Policy, and Curriculum and Instruction. She recently co-founded the AAPI Institute, a think tank for research concerning topics central to the Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) community and Cybersecurity. The AAPI Institute is a nonprofit organization which branched off of her 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that she established more than ten years ago to empower girls in professional life. Mintz supervises, directs and oversees all operations and affairs of the nonprofit organization to educate and support the youth through signature events and programs, which has earned the endorsements and testimonials from leading experts in the nonprofit and education sectors. She has been featured and contributed to numerous publications including the Official Harvard Site of Multiple Intelligences and Philanthropy Journal.

An Escalating Threat: How Smart Buildings Can Fall Victim to a Cyber Attack

Cybersecurity is not just about preventing loss of data but preventing loss of life or damage at tall buildings.

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